September is for Success!

By Lesley Harris Colvett

Photos courtesy of IKEA

The kids are back in school, and that means that study habits and organization is on our minds. Growing up, my dad always used to tell me “don’t study in the same place you sleep,” so for me, I always had a desk in my bedroom that was dedicated to homework and studying. This same theory may be applied to adult workspaces at home - work-from-home jobs and even paying bills. Carol Smith, Loyalty Manager– IKEA Memphis, offers her expert advice on creating this important space. “We all want each school year to be the best that it can be for our children, and the beginning of the new school year offers the opportunity for a fresh start,” Carol says. “With a little organization, you can make this the best school year ever.”

“Having a designated study space goes a long way in creating good study habits. Creating a space that’s just for schoolwork helps the student get into ‘study mode’ and makes the transition from relaxation to work that much easier. Make the space appealing and positive…and appropriate to the size of the student! Desks and chairs for study should be to scale, and take into account the age of the user,” Carol states.

As for scale, the person using the chair should be able to sit comfortably with both feet flat on the floor. For smaller children, a chair such as Molte ($14.99) has five different height adjustments and a fixed, non-rolling base. For older children, the rolling Snille desk chair ($19.99) is scaled for children, and easy to clean.
When it comes to desks, Carol says the dream is the clean, clutter free desk! “A good habit to start is to ‘clear and reset’ the desk when work is done…store away all papers, books, pens and pencils, and clear the desk for a fresh start the next day. IKEA offers the Micke series (starting at $49.99), which features drawers and covered storage to hide all of the clutter, and Summera drawer organizers keep the pens, pencils, and paper clips tidy. Pair the Micke desk with the Micke add-on unit, and the built-in white board/magnet board allows the student to keep a running list of all of the projects due.”
For the smallest students, the PÅHL desk is the perfect choice. PÅHL desk is height-adjustable and can “grow” as the student does! The colors are fun, and the size is just right.
For older students, the Linnmon table top series is a compact and simple solution and is easily customized with Adils leg series. Both table tops and legs come in different colors, so it’s easy to mix-and-match for color choices that’ll work with any décor.
Carol advises that for older students, or anyone sitting longer to study or work, there are other considerations when it comes to choosing a chair. Lumbar support, and armrests help keep and maintain good posture…particularly when one is seated for longer periods of time. For an older student, a chair like Renberget ($49.99) is a good choice that offers the ergonomic features needed.
Accessories play a big role as well. Magazine files can keep all of those papers and precious drawings neat and tidy, and the Tjena storage box series makes it easy to hide clutter. Add a recycling bin for paper and you’ve got a complete work area, ready to use!
Carol points out that “It’s never too early to start good study habits…whether you’re sending your little one off to kindergarten or off to college!

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